Legal Representation
In Warren, Michigan

Seeking Relief From Overwhelming Debt

Evaluating Your Situation

In today’s economy, there is little room between getting by and getting in over your head financially. The loss of a job, medical bills or other unexpected expenses can bring you to the brink of financial ruin. That is when it is time to talk with a bankruptcy attorney at Mancini Schreuder Kline PC.

Our law firm represents individuals in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. We will review your circumstances and recommend the form of bankruptcy that makes sense for you. If we do not believe bankruptcy is appropriate in your situation, we will tell you so directly.

Personal bankruptcy offers you the opportunity to get a fresh financial start. It does not just restructure your debt; it can, in many instances, get rid of it entirely.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are eligible, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy can completely eliminate your debt, with some exceptions. Chapter 7 is called liquidation bankruptcy because assets above a certain limit can be sold and used to pay back creditors. You will not be left without any possessions. Many people are able to keep most, if not all, of their property. Not everyone can file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. We can tell you whether you are eligible.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy sets up an affordable plan that allows you to pay back a portion of your debts over a three- to five-year period. You must have regular income from a job, Social Security, investments or another source to qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. It makes sense for those who make too much money or have too many assets to be eligible to file Chapter 7.

The Power Of Bankruptcy

As soon as we file for bankruptcy, your creditors must stop calling, emailing and harassing you for payment. It’s the law. Bankruptcy can also stop wage garnishment, repossession and foreclosure actions.

Contact Us Today For A Free Initial Consultation

There is no charge to discuss whether bankruptcy makes sense for you. To speak with one of our Warren bankruptcy attorneys, please call Mancini Schreuder Kline PC at , call toll-free at 586-218-3568 or contact us online..

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.